
Friday, February 22, 2013

You eat how many calories per day?

I've been reading a few other peoples blogs throughout my weight loss & I honestly don't see how they do it. One of the ladies is eating about 1,400 calories a day, exercising almost every day & barely seems to be losing any weight. I can't help but wonder if that's due to her eating so low of calories for so long.

I've been tracking my calories burned & calories ate over the last year & I'm actually a little surprised. My average amount of calories burned (according to my BodyBugg) is 2,418 & the average calories ate is 1,992. This is a deficit of 426 calories per day, which should equal about a 44 pound weight loss, but I have only lost 23. I feel I'm pretty good at logging in my food accurately & I've really worked to get my portion sizes on common items dead on, so why isn't my weight loss where it should be?

Since I do weigh most of my food at home still I have to think that the additional calories I'm obviously eating/drinking have to come from our eating out. That's the one area that I have no way to control the actual portion size, but have to guesstimate portion sizes & calorie content.

But anyways, I digress from my whole point (yep, I do that a lot, losing my train of thought). I just don't see how someone can survive on such a low amount of calories for such a long time. Maybe that's why there's so many people who lose weight & end up putting it right back on as soon as they quit dieting.

That happened to my sister-in-law. She went on weight watchers & lost 20-25 pounds in about 4 months. But I believe that she's put almost all of that back on, and most of it pretty quickly after she quit doing the weight watchers.

So does that mean that I'm doing this the right way? I hope so! Or at least, it seems to be the right way for me. Yes I know I whine & complain about losing so slowly, but when I took my time off they weight didn't jump right back on & that makes me very happy & very proud of myself.

So on that happy note I am going to end today's post.

It's Friday Bitches! Woo Hoo!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I'm back

Not that I ever really went away, I just stopped posting for a bit.

There's not too much different from my last post.

We took our vacation back at the end of November to Key West. Six days is a little too long for Key West. It's a wonderful place to visit & tons of fun, but.................. Well, there's really not too much to do there besides go to bars. And there's a lot of them! We  had a blast & partied like rock stars! Well, maybe overage rock stars!

I totally did not worry about my diet at all. I ate & drank whatever I wanted & kind of figured that we were walking enough to burn off the calories that I consumed. I even took off my BodyBugg! My husband was shocked!

Well, after the vacation, then it's the holidays & no point in not enjoying the festivities right? Well........... on January 5th I decided to get back with the program. I had put on a couple of pounds from my lowest weight, but I was still right around the 170 mark so I consider that maintaining since my low of 168 was a one day low & not a consistent 168.

I'm still w weighing myself every day, but I'm really only counting my Saturday weigh ins as my weight bounce around like crazy! For example, on Saturday I weighed in at 167.2 then on Sunday I was at 172. I did have a couple of cocktails over the weekend Mango margarita! Yummy! But not enough to gain almost 5 pounds. I know it's a combination of water being retained from the alcohol & some pre TOM water. I've been seeing a slow drop ever since Sunday & as of this morning I was down to 170. I have two days before I should start & be close to being back to normal, but I'm not going to sweat it.

If anyone's reading, I hope you have a wonderful day!