
Monday, September 10, 2012

Big jump & how did I do in August?

Let's start with the month of August. How did I do?

Well, I fell off track with logging my food & weighing in for that week or so, but I did wear my BodyBugg for all but one day, so........................................................

Weight lost:
I ended the month of July at 174.2, I didn't record my weight as of August 31st, so I'm just going to go with my as of 9/4 which was 173.4. This equals a .8 pound loss for the month of August. Not that good, but heck a loss is a loss & I'm not going to beat myself up over it.

Physical activity:
My goal was to hit 50 hours of physical activity as recorded by my BB. I hit 52.7, so goal achieved! Yay!

My goal was to average 10,000 steps per day, or 310,000 for the month of August, I hit 343,270, so another goal achieved! Yay!

My goals for September are:
50 hours of physical activity
300,000 steps (or 10,000) per day
Weight loss I want to get under 170 in September, so my goal is 3.4 pounds

The steps & physical activity may be a little harder this month because I already lost three days of data where I forgot to wear my BB. So I need to move my not so little butt a little more. I know my goal of 3.4 pounds is pretty big for me, but I've already seen fluctuations take me right around 171-170, so I think I can do it!

Speaking of fluctuations, on my weight is jumping around like crazy the past few days. Thursday I was at 171.8, Friday 172.6, Saturday 170.4, Sunday 174.4 and this morning 172.2. I had a mixed drink Saturday, but come on! I was right at maintenance for my calories, so why the big jump? So now, I don't know if the low weights were false, or if the higher weights are just me retaining water because I drank a little alcohol. This drives me crazy & has been the story of my "dieting" I am so good during the week & see the results during the week, only to blow all my hard work over the weekend.

I don't get it, because tracking my food & drinks I seem to be right at maintenance on the weekend, but come Monday the scale is telling a different story. Maybe I just need to start inflating my intake calories over the weekend. It's hard to estimate because we eat out a lot on the weekends, but I usually do a search online to determine the nutritional content. Could it be off by THAT much? Obviously so.

Does anyone have a good site to get real nutritional information from restaurants? If so, please let me know.

Weight as of 9-10-12 174.2 (boo, hiss)
Physical activity: 9.65/50
Steps: 63,370/300,000

Saturday, September 8, 2012

I'm still around

I bet you're thinking I gave up because of my silence. Not!

I'm still hanging in. I think I just needed a break from the "diet" thing for a while. I stopped logging my food, plugging in my BodyBugg every day & going to the 3FC website for a little over a week. I'm calling it a much needed mental health break.

I know I keep saying I'm not dieting & I'm in this for the long run, but when I was trying & really not seeing much results, it was getting a little frustrating. I was around 174 for two months. That's bad. I've been in the 170's for four months now. Enough!

I went back on plan this week on Tuesday. I weighed in on Tuesday at 173.4, not sure about Wednesday or Thursday, but WI at 171.8 on Friday & 170.4 this morning! Yippee! That is my first goal of 20 pounds. Of course I don't really count it unless it sticks for my official WI day on Wednesday.

But I really do have to say that I feel soooooooooooooo much better than I did a year ago today! I have quit smoking, lost 20ish pounds. I have so much more energy that I used to have. I don't want to come home from work & sit on the couch any more. I remember I used to come home from work & be too tired to do anything but sit on the couch.

It's funny because I'm moving more at work now then I was then too. You would think that I would be more tired coming home, but nope. I come home, clean house or do yard work, or even go out & do things with my husband. I love it! I love feeling good, and I love that I'm feeling better about myself too.

I'm finally starting to see a difference in my face & body. I find myself checking myself out when I pass a mirror or reflective surface. It's not that I think I look THAT good, it's just different from when I couldn't stand to look at myself! My husband's noticed me doing it a couple of times & thinks it's great that I'm feeling better about myself, but I hope it doesn't come off as being conceited. I'm just looking more like me! Or what I think of as me & I've missed myself.

Hope you're all doing great!

Hugs to you,
