
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Sharing my blog & other ramblings.

I'm thinking about starting to share my blog. I'm a little hesitant because I really don't think I have anything to say that is that interesting, so why would anyone want to read it? Then I think of a couple of other peoples blogs that I've read where I've gotten encouragement from, or had an ah ha! moment, where I've learned or discovered something that's helped me.

The only thing is that I do tend to ramble on & kind of jump from topic to topic, so if you're reading this, it's really just the way my mind works. I'll be talking about one thing & something may pop into my head & I'm off..............

I've just updated my weight loss trend chart today. I've added a picture of it below. Pretty impressive downward trend if I say so myself. Too bad it's almost taken 6 months though. Yeah, I am hard on myself on how long it's taken. I think that's from being a part of 3FC & seeing these people who are so motivated & lose so much quicker than I am. Heck, my sister-in-law joined Weight Watchers right around Valentine's Day & in April she had already lost 14 pounds. I was so jealous because I'd been dieting since January & had only lost less than 10 at that time. But I think she started a lot stricter than I've been. The last time we talked about our diets about 2 weeks ago she had only lost 16 so far & I was around 13 (like I still am) so I was catching up. Ha! I know it's not a competition, but if it helps inspire me........................

Oh, and my weight as of this morning is down a little more. I do weigh every day. I think it helps me to see that there's a pattern to my little spikes up & down. So that way when I see a little jump up I don't freak out & get too discouraged. That little spike down makes me think maybe it is possible to get to 170 by the 4th of July. That would be 51% of the way to my 150 pound goal! That would be awesome!

I'm adding a couple of things to the bottom of each post. My weight as of that morning, but on my spreadsheet I track it on the previous day's row, next to the calories eaten, burned & deficit. I'm also adding the total number of minutes of physical activity. This is right off of my BB. I've decided to make my goal to average 80 minutes of physical activity per day. This doesn't mean 80 minutes of exercise, because my BB picks up some things like walking up & down stairs, fast walking, etc as physical activity.

This would mean that for a month with 30 days my goal would be 2,400. As you can see from below, I didn't hit that goal this month, but since I just decided on it today I will let myself live! This time! :) I'm hoping adding that extra bit of physical activity will help me to reach my goal. Now that I've started charting this I see that last month I hit 2,285 minutes in 30 days & lost over three pounds that month. This month I'm quite a bit lower & unless I have a big drop tomorrow I'm at less than two pounds for the month. So, I'm going to try to move more & eat less by watching my calories.

Weight: 177.0 (I call this as of 5/30 since I weigh first thing in the morning)
Minutes of physical activity this month: 2,120

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